
Friday, 16 August 2013

The end of the Master of Science in European Forestry-Erasmus Mundus program

Hi everyone!!

YESSS!!! As the title of this new post informs you,...I HAVE recently FINISHED the MSc. in European Forestry-Erasmus Mundus program!! So, now I have one more certificate "in my pocket", and this international one!!!
The public defense of my thesis took place the last 5th of July at AgroParisTech university in Nancy, France. Therefore, and as you can imagine, before the event I had some superbusy weeks working hard to get ready for the special occasion, being that the reason why it has been a long time since I published my last post in this blog! I am not planning to extend too much about my thesis here, since the topic is quite specific and not all of you may be interested in reading too much about it. However, just let me say that the main goal of the project was the applicability of remote sensing techniques in the extraction of different forest attributes. Within the wide range of remote sensing tools that nowadays exist, I worked with Airborne Laser Scanning sensors, which basically consist on an airplane carrying a laser device that emits a laser pulse. Whenever this pulse touches something (e.g. trees), it bounces back into the device measuring the distance to the object. In the end, we can obtain a superfancy distribution of points (laser hits) in 3D!!
3D distribution of the laser points obtained when scanning a couple of trees

It looks impressive, right? I really enjoyed working with this topic, since it allowed me to apply all my knowledge in forestry, but at the same time, to work in something more related to computer sciences! Just imagine it as the perfect combination between field and ofice-based work!
For those who may be interested in the topic and want to know a little bit more of what I did, here you have a video of my presentation. In order to obtain my degree certificate, I was also required to prepare an online presentation. With this, all former, present, and future students of this master program, can interact in an online forum specifically created for this study program. Is great to get to know what other students are doing, and to face all types of questions coming from students from all over the world!

Then, once my presentation was done and all the necessary formalities to get my master degree were completed, I continued working at the Central European Regional Office of the European Forest Institute - Observatory for European Forests (EFICENT-OEF), in Nancy (France). My contract with the institution ended the last 31st of July. 
In my opinion, the European Forest Institute is one of the strongest institutions in the "old continent", when considering forest research. That is the reason why my intention was to continue being involved with them, so I could continue participating in new and exciting research projects. However, the office has recently changed his head, and it seems to be still quite unclear what kind of scope the institution will take in the coming years.
Bad luck, but other interesting and attractive opportunities will surely appear!

After finishing my contract in Nancy, and despite the terrible situation that my home country, Spain, is currently going through, I decided to come back home and start looking for a job or a PhD program that motivates me. I am quite confident in my search, since I think that I have a good background and a little bit of experience, and I do not have any limitations in terms of location. After these last two years, I consider myself prepared and willing to live in any other country, with different culture, people, etc. It's only a matter of being active in my new job: searching for a job!!

However, now we are in mid August, and as I told you, I left France in the end of July. Before going back to Spain, I decided to travel a little bit more (OF COURSE!!), and at the same time I attended a very interesting course, this Poland!! But I will tell more about it in the next post! COMING SOON!!


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